Court Support

Wirringa Baiya staff regularly attend Court as a support person. We participate in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia's Indigenous List and the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Scheme (WDVCAS) as seconded workers. Going to Court can be an unfamiliar and upsetting experience for anyone. Our role is to provide support and assistance to women attending Court.

What can we do for you?


We can sit with you while you wait for your matter to be called, sit in the Courtroom with you during your matter and talk to you after about what happened. Wirringa Baiya does not assist with criminal matters. 

Information and Referrals

We can provide information and referrals to other services.

Legal Advice

If you’re an Aboriginal woman and your matter falls into one of the areas of law we work in, we may be able to provide you with legal advice.

Duty Solicitor

We can take you to the Duty Solicitor.
Which courts do we attend?

Wirringa Baiya attends the courts mentioned on the DV listing days and the Federal Circuit Court on the Indigenous Family Law Court list days. 

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